Sunday, July 22, 2007

AFT Awards: Top 20 Scenes #10-6

The top 5 scenes of the season will be delayed for a bit due to unexpected computer trouble, but will be up at some point soon.
The following represent some of the best individual moments in television for the 2006-2007 season. Descriptions contain SPOILERS. This particular post contains important information that should be avoided if you have not seen the most recent seasons of any of the following: The Nine, Smith, Rescue Me, The Sopranos, and Lost.

Best Scenes of the Season

#10. THE NINE, "Pilot"
The hold-up that started the show. Nine strangers calmly enter a bank, and suddenly all illusion of peace and safety is shattered. Cop Nick reaches for his gun, and Lucas warns him to put it away, telling him it will all be over in five minutes. Fifty-two hours amazing start to a not-so-amazing show.

#9. SMITH, "Pilot"

A heist goes horribly wrong and the thieves make a getaway on a boat. One of them is bleeding bad, but a stern Ray Liotta coolly takes charge of the situation. Set to some great music, this was a thrilling start to a far-too-short-lived show.

#8. RESCUE ME, "Discovery"

At his father's birthday party, Tommy bends down under the table to get his napkin and catches a glimpse of some flirtateous behavior between his ex-wife Janet and his brother Johnny. He checks back to confirm what he saw, then calmly wipes his mouth with his napkin before lunging across the table to beat the hell out of his brother.

#7. THE SOPRANOS, "The Blue Comet"

The penultimate episode ends so much better than the show does. After top guys Sil and Bobby are taken out, Tony goes into hiding, taking his most trusted band of men with him. As he walks up to a bedroom in the safehouse, he flashes back to when Bobby gave him a gun for his birthday. He tucks the gun close to him and lays down to go to sleep.

#6. LOST, "Through the Looking Glass"

Desmond predicted so many times that Charlie had to die, but when the moment comes, it is still a shock. It is the perfect sendoff for the character, who makes an important realization before the room he is in is flooded. He shuts the door so that Desmond can survive and heroically writes a message on his hand so that Desmond can tell the castaways. In his final moments, Charlie becomes a beloved character who dies a heroic death.

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