Sunday, July 22, 2007

All Caught Up With...Entourage

Due to my pretty irregular viewing schedule for the eight most recent episodes of "Entourage", I opted not to post reviews as I watched each one, and will instead summarize my thoughts on the entire "Season 3 Part 2" in one post. Spoilers below.

Season 3, Part 2 has been uniformly great. I cannot quite pick out a particular episode which is my favorite, but I did really enjoy "Return of the King", the one where Vince and Ari tried to get their movie deal made, but run into problems due to it being Yom Kippur. Setting up Carla Gugino as Vince's new agent was a great move, as Ari is completely irreplaceable and Gugino worked out as a suitable temporary replacement. Her relationship with Vince was amusing, as it served as the only real main relationship during this run, since Eric and Sloane sort of took a backseat. Drama had what might be his plotline yet, and even Turtle got his own love interest, and scenes with her father were hilarious. Jeremy Piven continues to deliver an awesome performance as superagent Ari Gold.

All episodes: B+

"Entourage" returns for its fourth season after what may be the shortest hiatus ever next Sunday.

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