Sunday, July 22, 2007

Emmy Nominees: Best Drama Series

My predictions: 3/5, missing "House" and the horrific "Boston Legal" for "Friday Night Lights" and "Lost".
My ballot: 0/5

I hate bad surprises. Boston Legal flip-flops each year between drama and comedy, and I will be the first to go on record predicting it as a nominee in the Best Comedy Series race next year. It is ridiculous and by no means deserved to be called a drama series, let alone be nominated for BEST drama series. And over "Dexter", or "Lost" (that episode submission!) or the critically-acclaimed "Friday Night Lights". When nobody, and I mean nobody, predicts a show as a nominee, that should say something about the quality of the show, especially in this case. My face registered both shock and rage when "Boston Legal" was called first when I was expecting either "Dexter" or "Friday Night Lights". Ugh. If I keep going here I will just be repeating myself. That episode "Angel of Death" which "Boston Legal" submitted better be good. If I ever get around to seeing it.

Grey's Anatomy and The Sopranos were getting in here no matter what. Their omission would have been more shocking than the inclusion of "Boston Legal". I am a bit surprised that Heroes managed to make it in, especially over "Lost", and I think it will have a much better, but still not great, chance at winning if the episode submission is changed from the pilot to the awesome "Company Man". And more of House. Whatever.

Who will win? Most people would say "The Sopranos" but I think "Grey's Anatomy" may win this year. And you can guess what my reaction would be if both Patricia Arquette and "Boston Legal" won. Never watching the Emmys ever again.

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