Sunday, July 22, 2007

Emmy Nominees: Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series

My predictions: 3/5, missing Spader and Sutherland for Michael C. Hall and Eddie Izzard.
My ballot: 2/5 Leary & Gandolfini

I am going to preface this by saying that I just do not like Hugh Laurie on "House". I think the role is far less difficult to play than many think, and besides the great concealment of his British accent, he does not do too much. Besides that, I would have been thrilled with this lineup a few years ago. I was so excited when James Spader received a surprise nomination for his amazing performance on the final season of "The Practice" and even more thrilled when he won. On "Boston Legal" the following year, his performance was still good but his material just was way too preposterous. Maybe a nomination, but certainly not another win. Kiefer Sutherland, on the other hand, was simply stunning in the first season of "24" and continued to perform very well for the next three seasons. But at some points this year, I alternately cringed and laughed at how bad his acting could get. Of course he is not as bad in the season premiere which he submitted, but come on! Emmy voters moved on from "24" in almost all other categories, why not here? The reason I am so angry is that Eddie Izzard should have had a shot and SURE THING Michael C. Hall, who was amazing on "Dexter" this year and "Six Feet Under" before that (he was nominated in this category in 2002) somehow gets snubbed. I was worried initially that this would happen, but then I thought to myself: there is no way. He has a Golden Globe nomination and a SAG nomination. But somehow it managed to happen. This category is bizarre, especially last year with the snub of Laurie and James Gandolfini, both of whom are now back. Gandolfini does deserves his nomination for some great work this year. And the one positive thing here is that Denis Leary keeps holding on and deservedly remaining in.

Who will win? I would love for it to be Leary but otherwise it better be Gandolfini. But then I remember that Laurie still has not won an Emmy...ugh...

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