Sunday, July 22, 2007

NBC's Fall Schedule

Coming this fall to an NBC affiliate near you...

8:00 Deal or no Deal
9:00 Heroes
10:00 Journeyman (new time-travel drama)

8:00 The Biggest Loser
9:00 Chuck (new spy show)
10:00 Law & Order: SVU

8:00 Deal or no Deal
9:00 Bionic Woman (new superheroine drama)
10:00 Life (new police drama)

8:00 My Name is Earl
8:30 30 Rock
9:00 The Office
9:30 Scrubs
10:00 ER

8:00 1 vs. 100 / The Singing Bee (new competition show)
9:00 Las Vegas
10:00 Friday Night Lights

Sundays (starting in January, football in the fall)
8:00 Law & Order
9:00 Medium
10:00 Lipstick Jungle (new Sex & the City)

NBC's fall schedule is here, with few changes and even fewer new offerings. Promising new shows from this past year "Raines" and "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" are out, while "30 Rock", "Friday Night Lights", and "Heroes" will be back for a second season. "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" moves to USA, with second-run episodes to be showcased at some yet-to-be-announced time, probably taking over if any of NBC's new shows get canned. With a slim seven new series (one of those being alternative, and thus uninteresting in every aspect to me, and another "The It Crowd", scheduled for a midseason launch), NBC has made few changes to its schedule. "Law & Order," entering its eighteenth season, will now air Sundays starting in January, coupled with "Medium," which this past year had a midseason return, and the new drama "Lipstick Jungle," which seems much like "Sex & the City." The least promising of NBC's new offerings is probably "Chuck", which appears to be poorly conceived and probably not worthy of its placement on the schedule. All the new shows are extremely hit-or-miss, but the most promising looks to be the science fiction "Journeyman," which will most likely successfully fill the slot after "Heroes" that NBC found so hard to fill this past year.

ABC announces their schedule tomorrow. More on that soon.

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