Sunday, July 22, 2007

Second Run TV: Smallville

Smallville: Season 6, Episode 7 "Rage" (B+)

I cannot describe how thrilled I am to see such a decent episode come at a point in this show where I thought it had forever gone down the drain. I really am excited about the addition of Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen/The Green Arrow, and I think that may have been just what the show needed. The character of Lois Lane now has some decent purpose to her and is not as constantly annoying. Clark is really contemplating what it is like to be a superhero, and will hopefully lead to more of the same kind of plotlines. This episode presumably aired around Thanksgiving, and serves as a nice holiday-themed episode. The show is on its way at this point to returning to its quality from the first season. Can it continue to do so? I hope.

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