Sunday, July 22, 2007

Second Run TV: Smallville

Smallville: Season 6, Episode 3 "Wither" (D-)

The main plotline of this episode merits a definitive "F", but the end, which I will touch upon later, greatly influences the grade in a positive manner. I was not aware when I turned on the show that I was watching "Supernatural", what with the girl being dead overhead and dripping blood (having just seen an ad for the upcoming episode of "Supernatural" may have influenced my expectations). Otherwise, the episode felt a lot like a poor version of the "X-Files" episode when Scully and Mulder get trapped in the woods with killer bees that come out when it gets dark. The whole "villain suddenly gets zapped and disappeared" thing gets old quick. And I am not sure how well the Jimmy-Chloe romance plays out. I was highly impressed with the music in this episode, however. "It Ends Tonight" by the All-American Rejects gave the costume party scene a good touch, and James Carrington's "Ache" was more than appropriate for the closing moments. The scenes between Lois and Oliver and then Lana and Lex, followed by the closing shot of Clark alone, are surprisingly effective and touching, reminiscent of back when this show used to be great. I loved Oliver shooting the can so accurately that he got the tip of it, and then Lex and Lana's scene was great. The end bodes extremely well for the rest of the season, but I may have just built up my expectations.

I am also happy that I can now end my permanent association of "It Ends Tonight" with "Battlestar Galactica" due to the 8,173 promos with that song which I saw during the premiere of "The Dresden Files". Or maybe that will just make me want to watch "Battlestar Galactica".

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