Sunday, July 22, 2007

Second Run TV: Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars: Season 3, Episode 7 "Of Vice and Men" (B)

I watched this episode mainly because it is Kristen Bell's Emmy submission and I had always wanted to like this show more than I did. The pilot did little for me, but I thought Bell was a great lead. This episode was my favorite so far, but there is still a little something I do not love about the show, but generally, I was pleased. I was thrilled to see Chris Lowell ("Life As We Know It") and Tina Marjorino (the only good thing about both "Waterworld" and "Napoleon Dynamite") in the opening credits, though I do not believe Marjorino was in this episode. Also great to see Amanda Walsh ("Sons and Daughters") getting some work. Overall, a decent effort but I do not love the character of Veronica's father and his plotlines. I may check out season one on DVD at some point.

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