Monday, July 23, 2007

TV Movies: Longford

Directed by Tom Hooper
Originally aired February 17, 2007

This is excellent television right here. Any project starring Jim Broadbent and Samantha Morton already has a leg up on the competition, but this is truly captivating. Broadbent stars as Lord Longford, an outspoken advocate for child murderer Myra Hindley as well as a serious response to increasing amounts of pornography in England. Broadbent so fully immerses himself in the performance, and the result is marvelous. Morton is equally good as Hindley, who shows such seeming remorse and compassion despite the horrible actions for which Hindley was responsible. Watching the two of them on screen is fascinating. Andy Serkis (Gollum for "Lord of the Rings") is chilling in a small role as Hindley's partner-in-crime, and Lindsay Duncan is excellent as Longford's supportive but doubtful wife. The film's last third is not as great as the rest of the film, but overall it is an immensely worthwhile experience. How it managed only three Emmy nominations (Best TV Movie, and nominations for Broadbent and Morton) is insane. The directing and cinematography are stunning, and the writing is certainly better than that for "The Starter Wife". "Longford" is highly recommended, and available on DVD.


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