Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: 24 (Season Finale)

24: Season 6, Episodes 23 & 24 "4:00am-5:00am" & "5:00am-6:00am" (D+/C-)

I am not sure if there was an actual difference between these final episodes and all the ones leading up to them, but I was certainly more entertained and not quite as annoyed with these final two hours. Of course they have their more than fair share of improbabilities and impossibilities (Jack changes minute-to-minute from being a wanted fugitive on the run to the person in charge, and EVERYTHING happens in the nick of time, including Jack holding on to a rope from a helicopter as a massive explosion happens feet away from him), but nonetheless the episodes seemed to flow a bit better. The cinematography and styling was also unusually impressive, a throwback to the fantastically shot first season (water of course helps with that). I could not really care less that Chloe is pregnant, but I guess that adds some intrigue for next season? I am not totally convinced that Doyle is not Josh's actual father, since in their helicopter scenes, they look almost identical. I was disappointed by the fact that both William Devane (Heller) and Kim Raver (Audrey) were credited in the opening titles since generally "24" seems to be pretty good about keeping surprise guest stars just that, a surprise. I guess their appearance was not totally unexpected, but it would have been nice not to know it was coming (a hazard of knowing too much about actors and the characters they play). My main issue with these episodes, and moreso this season in general, is a constant feeling of "how did we get here?" What is Jack doing in the middle of the ocean with Bill Buchanan? And Evil But Ultimately Not So Evil Vice President Daniels and his constantly shifting agenda and feelings. I think the next seasons could be good because they could easily take it in a new direction. I am always a fan of cliffhanger endings, but at least it was not something dumb, like Jack killing Heller and running off with Audrey. All in all, a significantly better conclusion to a pretty poor season.

Season grade: F

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