Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: Jericho

Jericho: Season 1, Episode 21 "Coalition of the Willing" (B)

This episode is exciting and explosive (pardon the pun) to be sure, but it all feels more than a bit hectic. While the events occuring in the show are understandably hectic, the show should feel more grounded and purpose-driven. Nonetheless, the brewing war with Newburn takes a devastating step towards all-out war, with Stanley, Jake, Hawkins, and Johnston defending their land, with a little help from a treacherous Jonah and Dale's refugee band. I am growing a bit tired of the mayor, Gray Anderson, and his incompetence, especially since the actor who portrays him, Michael Gaston, is always typecast in the role of incompetent and obnoxious figure of authority (as he was recently seen in "Lonely Hearts").

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