Monday, July 23, 2007

What I'm Watching: Monk

Monk: Season 6, Episode 2 "Mr. Monk and the Rapper" (B+)

I am still surprised that this show did not make it into the top 10 for Best Comedy Series. It is capable of taking on such diverse plotlines, like this episode with the murder of a rapper, and making it work while still keeping the Monk aspects of the show as they should be. I enjoy Snoop Dogg's guest appearances on shows like this and "The L Word" not because of his questionable acting skills but rather for his presence, which just seems to fit in even though it should not. The theme song is also performed rap-style by Snoop Dogg, which is fun. Monk's blacking out and agreeing to help the rapper is funny, as is Natalie's attitude towards the whole thing. While others trash this show for being tiresome and "atrocious" (check out some reviews of this episode here), I cannot help but disagree with them and champion my belief that this is an excellent show that is entertaining and always coming up with new elements to add to its original premise.

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