Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: The Riches

The Riches: Season 1, Episode 12 "It's A Wonderful Lie" (B+)

This episode is back and track, with a whopper of an ending. The dramatic and poignant scenes between Wayne and Dahlia return, and an ominous feeling is all around. They are so close to being completely safe but just as close to being busted, by both Pete and by Dale. I am curious as to how they will end the season next week so as to set it up for the next season. FX has a tendency to leave its first seasons hanging with huge cliffhangers ("The Shield", "Rescue Me", "Dirt") but occasionally likes to tie things up nicely ("Nip/Tuck"). I am going to have to hope for the latter, because if they get busted at the last second and I have to wait eight months to find out how it ends up, I am going to be more than frustrated.

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