Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: Traveler

Traveler: Season 1, Episode 6 "The Trader" (F)

Wow, Tyler Labine really has a knack for getting on your nerves so quickly that you hate him almost immediately. I am still not really sure why Jay and Tyler kidnapped him, but I must say I liked him a lot better last year on "Invasion". I was excited to hear that our two witless protagonists were driving on roads like the Mass Pike and 495, both of which are roads I frequently drive on, but someone really should have told them that it takes much longer to get to New York via 95. They should have just stayed on the Mass Pike and taken 84. Whatever, I may have to contact the show's transportation consultant. Speaking of which, Will does not seem to be the most well-trained covert agent. First of all, he continues to get in fights with people in broad daylight and then kill them, and even though I did not complete all of my Super Secret Government Agent training, I am pretty sure I was there the day they told us that sticking our bare hands inside another person's bleeding open wound was not the smartest choice. And how obnoxious is the ambiguous character that is Tyler's father? I also liked Steven Culp so much better on "Desperate Housewives". What a waste. In any case, "Traveler" will be off the air until the two final installments are slated to air July 11, but that may change if ABC decides this dreadful show does not deserve to finish out its run.

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