Friday, August 17, 2007

Second Run TV: Smallville

Smallville: Season 6, Episode 17 "Combat" (D-)

Is this really what "Smallville" needs right now? An extra-special fight club episode with preposterous Lois costumes mixed in? Top it off with a healthy dose of evil Lex scheming and manipulating Lana, and you are basically back to where the show was before this year. And why show only a teasing glimpse of Oliver Queen rather than bring him back full-force to the show? He was a valuable presence who helped to enhance the quality of the show, as well as only of the only components that made Lois bearable. I am hoping this is only a standout episode not indicative of the rest of the season and continuing series, which I plan to pick up again come September when the show starts its seventh season.

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