Thursday, August 2, 2007

Series Return: The Nine

The Nine: Season 1, Episode 8 "Turning Point" (C-)

I think that my excitement that this show was returning made me forget that this really was not a great show. It started out superbly, but then sort of got worse and worse as more time each episode was focused on the events after the bank, which were nowhere near as interesting as what happened during the robbery. In the case of this episode, neither is terribly great. The interview style of the present-day segments serves as a good storytelling technique, but nothing pops out as startlingly interesting. I could not care less about Kathryn's impending D.A. run, and I would love for Joshua Malina to get a fuller role (luckily, he will be the star ABC's new show "Big Shots" this fall). As far as the hold-up goes, Randall is far too unstable a hostage-taker and the hostages really seem to be running the show. After watching "The Kill Point", I am realizing that as intriguing as the dynamic between brothers Randall and Lucas used to be, this hostage drama just does not work terribly well.

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