Friday, August 10, 2007

What I'm Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 4, Episode 8 "Solo" (C-)

This show is rapidly losing its edge. The first ten minutes are merely Tommy talking to himself and hacking down his home. His date with the new chief's daughter is bizarre and totally out of character for him (despite Lou's convincing). Running into a blazing fire with no gear to save someone is all good and fine, but then coming out and sticking his finger into a gaping cut on his hand? It seems desperate, as if the showrunners are desperately searching for a way to reinvigorate the series. Janet's gone, the baby's with crazy Sheila, Jerry's really dead (not even talking to Tommy), and even the new probie has backed off Tommy. I say it every week, but it is about time to bring back Tatum O'Neal, and maybe even Tommy's dad. Susan Sarandon cannot support this entire show by herself.

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