Saturday, September 15, 2007

Emmy Predictions: Best Drama Series

Titles in parantheses are the episodes chosen as submissions for the Emmy awards in this category. I have watched all of the "Heroes" and "Sopranos" episodes and a few of the other shows' submissions.

The nominees:

BOSTON LEGAL (Lincoln, On the Ledge, Angel of Death, The Good Lawyer, Son of the Defender, Trial of the Century)
As with "Ugly Betty", I do not want to bore you with the same complaints over and over. I am fearing more and more that show creator David E. Kelley may collect the thousandth or so prize in this category. I am alternately reassured by the fact that pretty much no one is predicting this show to win and people are still pissed about it being nominated in the first place. This could be another Patricia Arquette angry WTF moment, but let's hope it does not come to that.

GREY'S ANATOMY (Let the Angels Commit, From a Whisper to a Scream, Six Days Parts 1 & 2, Wishin' and Hopin', Some Kind of Miracle)
I think many are underestimating this show. I do not love it, but I know that it is immensely popular and that a lot of people do in fact love it. Its dramatic possibilities pale in comparison to "The Sopranos", but it feels like this show should eventually win an Emmy. Not that it matters, but it did win the Golden Globe this past year in this category. And lots of its stars got nominated. But does that matter?

HEROES (Godsend, The Fix, Distractions, Run, Unexpected, Company Man)
I am still a bit surprised that this show made it in. It is fun and entertaining, but it does not feel worthy of a Best Drama Series award. The sci-fi genre may also be too much for Emmy voters. The only episode I immediately recognize is "Company Man", which was one of the top dramatic episodes of the season, so there is hope. Not including "Boston Legal", this does feel like the campiest of the shows and least likely to clinch a dramatic prize.

HOUSE (Lines in the Sand, Que Sera Sera, Son of Coma Guy, Half-Wit, Merry Little Christmas, Top Secret)
Sure, everyone loves Hugh Laurie, but otherwise I would have to say there is zero buzz for this show, at least awards-wise. No one is talking about it, and all four other shows in this category have gotten much more notice. I can only say that I have seen one of these episodes (Half-Wit) and it did not jump out at me in any way. Maybe this show could win some day, but I really doubt it will be right now.

THE SOPRANOS (Soprano Home Movies, The Blue Comet, Stage Five, Kennedy & Heidi, The Second Coming, Made in America)
Maybe you have heard of this one? "The Sopranos" has many advantages here. It is the show's final season, 2/3 of the episodes are represented in the choices, and those are some pretty great choices (particularly the first two). How this show could lose to any of the others, especially "Boston Legal", is beyond me. The finale did create a lot of backlash, and it is the last episode that voters watch, so they may end up with a bad taste in their mouths, but I think they will instead be salivating for more.

Who should win (based on individual episodes): The Sopranos
Who should win (based on entire season): The Sopranos
Who will win: You guessed it...The Sopranos.

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