Sunday, September 9, 2007

Emmy Update: Creative Arts Winners!

I begin my Emmy prediction results with a dismal 0/4 on the guest categories. I am happy for Stanley Tucci (Monk) and Elaine Stritch (30 Rock), definite runner-ups in my mind for their respective awards. Not so sure about John Goodman (Studio 60), though I like the idea of a cancelled series winning Emmys. I have not seen Leslie Caron's performance on "Law & Order: SVU" so I cannot really comment there. In other news, "Dexter" was awarded for its stunning main title design, and "Scrubs" unfortunately missed out in the both the Music & Lyrics and Music Direction awards for its musical episode. "Soprano Home Movies", the "Sopranos" season opener, was snubbed for Best Cinematography, which really beats me. But "Battlestar Galactica" did win for Best Visual Effects for "Exodus, Part 2", a very much deserved trophy.

This does not affect too much of the race to come for next week's awards, only to indicate that "30 Rock" seems to be more popular than "Ugly Betty", "Monk" actors still have lots of power, and John Goodman finally got an Emmy after nine previous nominations. All the rest will have to be seen next week. A full list of Creative Arts Emmy winners is available only at

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