Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What I'm Watching: Damages

Damages: Season 1, Episode 6 "She Spat at Me" (C)

Enough with Ray's ultraviolent dreams already! Seriously, do we need to see the blood pouring out of his mouth? And Frobisher hitting the guy in the nose? I guess the recent warnings about "graphic violence" aired before "Rescue Me" were really meant to apply here. Not to mention Lame Boyfriend picking up the Statue of Liberty bookend and giving us a good scare that he might get his head bashed in. He really does not seem like the type to cheat, but I suppose that dinner at the Hewes household could not have helped. That one was a disastrous idea from the first moment. Just remember that Frobisher is not the only evil one; even Patty has shady spies with guns tailing people. That is certainly a comfort.

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