Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What I'm Watching: Damages

Damages: Season 1, Episode 9 "Do You Regret What We Did?" (C-)

Man, that hospital stalker girl is really pretty psychotic. I would say I love it when Ellen tries to get all powerful and serious if it did not make me cringe so much. At least she has enough common sense to get in a car with a stranger sitting creepily outside her home. Frobisher singing was just plain not needed. That George Moore guy is straddling the lines of good guy/bad guy far too easily, and that whole idea should soon get lost in the muddled confusion it has created. The re-introduction of Katie is not something I am happy about. Future report: Is Patty responsible for killing Lame Boyfriend? And if so, why is she crying so much about it? Probably because the camera was shaking too much while going in for a closeup.

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