Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What I'm Watching: Heroes (Season Premiere)

Heroes: Season 2, Episode 1 “Four Months Later” (C-)

To me, there has always been something missing from this show. Perhaps it is that the suspension of disbelief is just too necessary, that even the non-superpower elements of the show seem improbable and unrealistic. The “Company” is far too omnipresent, and has eyes everywhere to know that newly instated Detective Parkman and superscientist Suresh are raising Molly. HRG still works at a paper company? What a cover! Claire moved to a new town but did not change her name? The whole cheerleading drama is just unnecessary – this is not “Mean Girls.” Interesting but also improbable that her new flirting partner is himself a Genuine Superhero. On to other things…I thought Nathan won some big election? Now he just has a huge beard and looks really freaky in the mirror? What is Hiro doing way back in time chilling with Sark from “Alias”? And a dual-personality killer worse than Nikki trying to reach the United States? The only thing that really got me hooked was Peter’s mysterious appearance in Ireland of all places.

Note to NBC: keep the previews generally spoiler-free. Do not show us that characters who are supposed to be dead are actually alive.

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