Friday, September 14, 2007

What I'm Watching: Rescue Me (Season Finale)

Rescue Me: Season 4, Episode 13 "Yaz" (B)

It has been quite a season for "Rescue Me". On and off is the kindest way to put it. This season ender is a little weird, but provides some interesting closure and new twists for its presumable next season. The death of Tommy's dad is somewhat unexpected but sort of feels right. Of course someone needs to die in the season finale, and Tommy will need something to transform his character for next year. Tommy's relationship with Gina Gershon is particularly entertaining to watch. The rest of the stuff with Sheila and Jimmy is frustrasting but still intriguing. In terms of positive news about this season, the rest of the firehouse crew (those not shown by name in the opening credits) has been developed well enough so that it really feels like there is an enormous presence (i.e. Needles and all the guys who kept seeing Jimmy). And Larenz Tate better start looking for a new job, because Tommy is going to MURDER him when he finds out he is dating his daughter.

Season grade: B-

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