Friday, September 28, 2007

What I'm Watching: Smallville (Season Premiere)

Smallville: Season 7, Episode 1 "Bizarro" (C)

It is not all bad, that is the most important part. Some new official cast members (Aaron Ashmore as Jimmy Olsen and the questionable Laura Vandervoort as Supergirl) and the exit of one cast member who got really annoying (Annette O'Toole as Martha Kent) could help spice this show up. In today's world of TV, getting your name in the opening credits is a huge deal, which means that both Jimmy and Supergirl should have some big, important plotlines which should be nice. Bringing Chloe back to life, on the other hand, seems unnecessary as she had to start talking again with her far too intelligent and supposedly witty comments the moment she was revived. Bizarro seems rid of a bit too easily, but I will not complain since Tom Welling playing Bad Clark is one of my least favorite parts of the show. And oh how I wish that Lana was not just living in China with the most fake wig ever - that is just so boring and far too clever for the naive young Smallvillian to scheme up.

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