Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pilot Review: Women's Murder Club

Women's Murder Club (ABC)
Premiered October 12 at 9pm

I knew right off the bat that this was a not a show I was likely to enjoy. I can report that I was pleasantly surprised. Though there are certainly elements which annoy me a great deal, the overall cohesiveness of the show was impressive. Angie Harmon is not for me, but I am sure there are a number of people who will fall head over heels in love with her character. Laura Harris' assistant DA seems just a tad too openly promiscuous for her own good, but I feel like that will probably make for an interesting and complex character. I am just going to take a guess here that the intrepid reporter becomes the fourth member of this club, since advertisements indicated four female crime-solvers. Adding in its own relationship dramas and gimmicks in the style of "NCIS", this decent procedural is not hindered by its emphasis on characters. It is perhaps more for the female gender, but otherwise surprisingly appealing. I am willing to give it a few more episodes for sure.

How will it work as a series? This is one show that was made to last a long time. There are a number of books, plus a crime procedural with good characters can last for years on end ("Law & Order", anyone?)
How long will it last? Friday night is not a good timeslot, but if there is any show that can make it work, it will be this one. It had a very strong debut and crushed "Friday Night Lights" in ratings.

Pilot grade: B

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