Thursday, October 4, 2007

Round Two: Bionic Woman

Bionic Woman: Season 1, Episode 2 “Paradise Lost” (D-)

I am glad to see that a new show actually has opening credits, but do they have to be so bland and paired with unfitting music that sounds like the theme from “The Practice”? That is not the worst of it, however. The writing is really, really bad, simply put. Why must everyone say Jamie’s full name every second? And quite a convincing relationship between Jamie and her sister completely mended by a simple smile. Top it off with Jamie taking a phone call from her sister which telling another girl to shut up and stay absolutely silent and a whole lot of moaning from Jamie during the lackluster fight scenes and you have a very bad show. I have decided that Michelle Ryan is not a good actress. The role may not call for much, but she is not really even a compelling superhero. The introduction of Isaiah Washington’s character makes him seem like just another shady government honcho to be added to a long list headed by the unenthusiastic duo of Miguel Ferrer and Molly Price. And just in case you did not think that the relationship between Jae and Sarah was complex and deep enough, they had sex on the floor when there was a hotel bed just a few feet away!

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