Saturday, October 27, 2007

What I'm Watching: Bionic Woman

Bionic Woman: Season 1, Episode 5 "The Education of Jamie Sommers" (D)

This is the most blatant exploitation of an actress' country of origin to sustain an episode. When are we to believe that Jamie was trained in faking accents? Brit Michelle Ryan slips so smoothly back into her accent that the bartender could quite possibly never have been American. After she keeps speaking in her accent for a good half an hour, the annoying guy who is monitoring her points out that she is still using it, to which she responds that she is a method actor. The guy of course thinks it is hot, so we are just supposed to accept it. The slightly decent part of this episode is that neither Jamie nor the other guy were the bad guys, but I am sure they will not go anywhere with that.

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