Monday, October 1, 2007

What I'm Watching: Brothers & Sisters (Season Premiere)

Brothers & Sisters: Season 2, Episode 1 "Home Front" (D)

Pretty much nothing has changed since I last checked in with this show in the middle of the first season. Sally Field is as whiny and teary as ever, and the rest of the family is just shouting at each other the whole time (exemplified by the scene where Rob Lowe walks in and they are actually shouting at each other). Great actors like Balthazar Getty and Ron Rifkin (see: "Alias") have blah roles which do not match their talents. Same goes for Rachel Griffiths, but I have said that before. Honestly, it is just pretty difficult to get into these characters and really become passionate about this show. Some people have done it, sure, but I will not be one of them.

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