Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What I'm Watching: Heroes

Heroes: Season 2, Episode 5 "Fight or Flight" (D-)

#2 on the list of most overused episode titles ("Full Disclosure" holds the #1 slot) proves not to be a good thing for this flailing series. At least Peter is back, and it continues to be awesome just how powerful he is. I am wary of Kristen Bell's guest appearance, since I know that she is eternally adored in the comic-fan community, which leads me to believe that her role might simply defer to her celebrity. It seems that I do not have to worry too much, as she has already proven to be an out-of-control brat with a mysterious father (? I do not even have any guesses at this point). Focusing more on just Peter and Kristen Bell's new character could really strengthen the whole show. I mean, seriously, just have Suresh and Nikki die in a mysterious explosion. I fear that Nikki's split personality would be able to survive even that kind of assassination attempt.

Someone better tell Hiro that he does not really understand the space-time continuum. He is writing all these letters to Ando all "Back to the Future III"-style, but his abilities should be such that when he finishes his months or years of living in the past, he can just transport back to the very moment he left Ando. Time should not pass for Hiro in the past as it does for us and our other heroes in the present. Necessitating a consistent correspondence between the two time periods is seriously weakening the show. Hiro really does need to get back; didn't anyone tell him Sylar is back?

As far as Matt's father goes, I do not think he will work well as a villain. He is entirely too happy and seemingly nice, and just begins he frowns angrily after trapping Matt and Nathan and pitting them against each other does not instantly make him evil. His powers are pretty messed up though, which might indicate that Matt has some similar abilities. Who knows, and honestly, who cares? Once Sylar gets his car working a bit better, maybe he himself can take down this evil Company once and for all.

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