Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What I'm Watching: Prison Break

Prison Break: Season 3, Episode 4 "Good Fences" (D)

Haven't we been here before? Michael testing an ally to be sure of his trustworthiness and then having that guy get really mad at him and Michael cutting off the power to be able to plant something somewhere or other, for starters. Why does Bellick, who has previously witnessed a successful escape by Michael, keep trying to rat him out rather than just try to get on board later in the process? On the outside, I cannot believe that they killed Sara. That seems more than a bit extreme and highly unlikely to motivate Michael, who needs far more convincing than Lincoln. Sure, Michael will want to help Lincoln protect LJ, but as far as reactions to rescue attempts go, this one is a bit much. Michael says, "I feel like we are running out of time." I concur. If they do not bust out of prison by this season's presumable fall finale (end of November, based on the past two years), there may really be no hope for redemption for this show.

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