Saturday, October 6, 2007

What I'm Watching: Smallville

Smallville: Season 7, Episode 2 "Kara" (C-)

Plain and simple, I just do not like this actress playing Supergirl. While it is sort of cool to see Clark teaching her how to hone her abilities, there is just something about here which rubs me the wrong way. I am beyond ecstatic that Michael Cassidy has been hired as the new editor of the Daily Planet (youngest editor in newspaper history, anyone?) after his hilarious stint on "Hidden Palms" this summer. That should entertain me for a while. It seems like Lois is sort of being forced into becoming an active journalist without really having any skill, simply because it amuses editor Gabriel. Lana is so not as smart as she thinks she is, and her whole plan to destroy her clone (wtf?) and fake her own death is pretty useless once Lex finds her anyway. And the preview for next week? Eeek.

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