Saturday, October 27, 2007

What I'm Watching: Smallville

Smallville: Season 7, Episode 5 "Action" (C-)

This episode returns to the kind of plotlines which frequently popped up in season one. Unfortunately, with Lana hovering as Clark's jealous girlfriend, it does not work as well. On that note, Lana needs to be dumbed down really quick or this show is going to plummet back down to its state of perputual awfulness. Her "Misery"-like setup with that creepy woman and Lionel is just stupid. And the scene in the middle of the cornfield when she hits him with a pitchfork or something? Please. Enough already. The show has Supergirl at their disposal, and more importantly Michael Cassidy as the Daily Planet editor, and this is the kind of stuff they are coming up with?

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