Sunday, October 28, 2007

What I'm Watching: Women's Murder Club

Women's Murder Club: Season 1, Episode 3 "Blind Dates and Bleeding Hearts" (B+)

I am not in love with this show, but it serves its purpose well enough, and as with many shows, hits the "good" mark on its third try. Obnoxious reporter girl is now an official member of the club, complete with check-paying duties. The backstories of each of the club members are thoroughly explored, which works well to support the main crime-related storyline of the series. Linda Park works better for me as an uncertain but honest team player ("Enterprise", "Raines") than a power-playing bitch, but she is not bad or anything like that. This is one ensemble who, despite being decently annoying, will be able to work together comfortably for quite some time.

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