Sunday, November 18, 2007

Returning Soon...

I will be away from my television the entire week of Thanksgiving, but rest assured that come next week, I will return with reviews of Dexter, Chuck, Heroes, Samantha Who, Weeds, NCIS, Pushing Daisies, Dirty Sexy Money, and Women's Murder Club. An important reminder to all Battlestar Galactica fans that the TV movie "Razor" airs Saturday night at 9pm. That will definitely be first on my list to watch as I begin the lengthy process of catching up on all that I have missed. Hopefully WGA negotations will succesfully resume on the 26th and I will not have to prepare myself for the painful disappearance of shows come January.

After Thanksgiving, check back for revised Golden Globe predictions as well as SAG thoughts. And be sure to check out Movies with Abe for all the latest Oscar buzz.

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