Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What I'm Watching: Chuck

Chuck: Season 1, Episode 7 "Chuck Versus the Alma Mater" (B+)

Even if this is not a fantastic installment all by itself, it absolutely fits into the tone of the show. Chuck calling all the spies who come from class is quite amusing. I also enjoy the constant rebellion again the tyrannic Harry, especially after watching C.S. Lee portray the far different Masuka on "Dexter". Morgan continues to surprise me as a supportable character who does not get overly obnoxious. Great to see Julia Ling in a fun recurring role after seeing her pop up a bunch of times on "Studio 60" last season. Chuck's reason to Standford is entertaining, and it is interesting to find out the Bryce was simply looking out for Chuck. I hope they do more with that idea.

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