Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What I'm Watching: Chuck

Chuck: Season 1, Episode 8 "Chuck Versus the Truth" (B+)

Fantastic use of guest stars! When I found out that Kevin Weisman (Marshall from "Alias") would be guest-starring on this show, I was thrilled. He is given a great albeit limited role as a bad guy who poisons spies with a truth serum. He also gets the awesome opportunity to do some acrobatics, something he hardly got to do opposite Jennifer Garner on "Alias". Rachel Bilson from "The O.C." begins what I believe is a recurring arc as a deli-owning love interest for Chuck. They should work well together. Sarah's admission to Casey that she was trained in resisting truth serums is exciting - it is nice to know that some romantic fling could eventually occur between her and Chuck.

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