Monday, November 12, 2007

What I'm Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 2, Episode 7 "That Night, A Forest Grew" (B+)

With last week's failings now done, the show has bounced back but still contains some uncertain elements. They manage not to bring the show down, so it is not as big a deal. Lila seems to be pretty freaking crazy, but I suppose that will help Dexter realize something about himself. As for Rita, it seems weird that they are keeping her around but I guess Dexter might eventually get back together with her. Jennifer Carpenter proves that she can sustain her character in a plotline less interesting than last year's in her scenes with Keith Carradine and Michael C. Hall. I know Dexter has recently gone "clean", but having him kill someone right about now would not be the worst idea.

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