Thursday, November 1, 2007

What I'm Watching: Dirty Sexy Money

Dirty Sexy Money: Season 1, Episode 6 "The Game" (B+)

Everything on this show is so over-the-top, and that is what I love about it. Billionaires get together and bet properties with "retail values of $400 million" and it turns out one of them has the dealer as his personal assistant. Jeremy gets a job, ruins a car, buys the woman a new one, she does not notice, and when he tells her, she does not care but still will not date him. I am thrilled that we get a chance to see the Darlings interact, though the sight of them playing video games together is a bit strange. Trip and Nick's trickery (loved that twist!) should prove to be very insightful. Great scenes this week with Natalie Zea, Jill Clayburgh, William Baldwin, and Donald Sutherland. And these Darlings do not know any other billionaires, they have to go to Simon Elder?

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