Thursday, November 15, 2007

What I'm Watching: Dirty Sexy Money

Dirty Sexy Money: Season 1, Episode 7 "The Wedding" (C+)

This is an amusing episode, but the story is fairly repetitive and some of it is just preposterous. Karen dumping the new hubby after mere minutes of marriage is something that easily could have been seen coming, though her scene with Nick is a great one. Tripp being drunk is fun, but I feel like someone in his position would be a little more careful about letting himself go. I do not know why Juliet's former best friend and Jeremy's former flame is remaining on the show. She seems like she could easily have been written out. Sad to see Brian Jr. go, especially when he and his father have finally become close. It should be interesting to see Patrick's two lovers meet next week. The one thing I really could not stand is Simon Elder speaking in German to show how shady he is. People who normally speak English speaking foreign languages in private is lame and completely dumb. Maybe it will be a good twist to have Simon manipulating events, but in English, please.

I also cannot say approve of actress replacement, which caught me off-guard in this episode. Brooke Smith, currently popping up on "Weeds", has been inexplicably substituted for in the part of Brian Jr.'s mother, a shame since Smith would have been great at what looks to be a juicy upcoming role.

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