Sunday, November 18, 2007

What I'm Watching: The Office (Last Episode, For Now)

The Office: Season 4, Episode 8 "The Deposition" (C)

What an unfortunate way for this great show to go out as it airs the last of its prepared installments until the WGA strike comes to an end. "The Office" fails to properly use its stellar ensemble and instead chooses to take yet another field trip. Michael is relentlessly bullied in this episode but really deserves it as he just gets more and more oafish as the episode goes on. Everyone always says that Michael is ultimately a good salesman, but he falls flat here. His loyalty to the company makes little sense, especially after hearing David Wallace's deposition. He also overdoes it when he pushes Toby's tray onto the ground while Toby is attempting to connect with him. The sole good line from the deposition comes when Michael says "line" and the judge explains that he is "asking for a line, like in a play." Back on the home front, the story is much brighter and funnier, but it would have been nice to incorporate a few more "Office" mates. I really did enjoy Kelly's smack talk, though.

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