Monday, February 4, 2008

Friday Night Fun: Monk & Psych

Monk: Season 6, Episode 14 "Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpieces" (B+)
Psych: Season 2, Episode 14 "Dis-Lodged" (B+)

Good times here on USA Fridays. These two episodes are much fluffier in nature than some of the best episodes but they are nonethless quite amusing and entertaining. Monk's paintings are so terrible, and Peter Stormare is a great person to come in and offer a great comedic performance which so clearly mimicks his more serious work in films like "Fargo". Later in the evening, Shawn joins a secret society - of course - and has a grand old time while Gus takes on a good deal of clients. I like seeing a lot of Lassiter and of course having Philip Baker Hall as a guest star can never go wrong. I do wish he had been given a juicier part. Ah, well.

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