Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Second Run TV: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 1, Episode 6 “Babylon” (B-)

I dropped this show towards the end of the summer when I realized I had less time to keep up with a mid-week show that did not fully grab my interest. I had never intended to stop watching, so when I found out that the show was being rerun on Sundays at midnight, I decided to pick the show back up, starting with the first installment I had not seen this week. I had forgotten how slow the pace was, but the material is good and the feel of the show is appropriate. It really attempts to, and as far as I know succeeds in, capture the time and the way people act and interact. The amount of mistresses on this show is staggering, and it is interesting that one of the women he has been courting is now falling for him. The cinematography is this show is quite good.

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