Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What I'm Watching: Carpoolers

Carpoolers: Season 1, Episode 10 "Wheels of Fortune" (F)

What better way to ensure that you offend your audience than by mocking the handicapped? This show somehow manages to hit a new low with this dreadfully unfunny foolish episode which derives its plot from a truly carpool-based concept, which this show had up until now generally successfully relegated to side stories and subplots. This show does not take itself seriously, and that is its major problem right now. The ending I thought I saw coming (they get to keep the handicapped space because they are both in wheelchairs) was avoided, but I would wholeheartedly have preferred that to the ghastly mock-courtroom scene. Painful and embarassing. There is little hope for this show both in terms of redeeming itself and staying on the air. ABC has just given renewals to 9 of its series, including four new shows ("Dirty Sexy Money", "Private Practice", "Pushing Daisies", and "Samantha Who?"). While this one has a better shot than the pretty much already-dead "Big Shots" and "Cavemen", I would say that it is a definite goner. Whether its remaining episodes get shown is a mystery, but I think ABC will continue airing them until they can get their staple shows back on the air.

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