Monday, February 4, 2008

What I'm Watching: The L Word

The L Word: Season 5, Episode 5 "Lookin' At You, Kid" (B+)

I love how all the actresses rsemble the characters Jenny likes and completely do not resemble the ones she does not. She is really quite horrible to everyone in her life save for her newfound muse. That could be one way of getting her off the movie - having sex with your star is sure to cause some problems and create a conflict of interest. I cannot believe that not one but two actresses from the abysmal MyTV series "American Heiress" are now recurring players on this series, one as a major pain in Shane's ass and the other as one of the actresses cast in Jenny's film (Alicia Leigh Willis and Angela Gots, respectively). I am officially on the Bette-Tina reunion team at this point, finding Jodi a bit lame and Bette way too tense for her own good.

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