Sunday, February 10, 2008

What I'm Watching: The L Word

The L Word: Season 5, Episode 6 "Lights! Camera! Action!" (B+)

This show has really reformatted itself into an almost completely new show, what with the focus on the movie and all. Shane's plotlines are being recycled but not growing old, and the rest is all fresh. I actually saw this episode at a special L Word brunch in Brooklyn, and it was quite interesting to see the reactions of the crowd. While some suspicious older men were quite creepy, the lesbian population that attended the screening was really rooting for Bette and Tina, going ecstatic every time they flirted, sympathetic towards Alice, and generally hateful towards Jenny. One attendee cited Jenny as her favorite character, which drew boos from the crowd, but she redeemed herself with a spot-on impression of Jenny, and took how Season 4 on DVD as a prize. I really hope that the Bette-Jodi affair does not end too badly, and I am glad that Phyllis is back and her daughter seems like she will make a fun character. And by the way, Adele is a psycho.

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