Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What I'm Watching: The L Word

The L Word: Season 5, Episode 8 "Lay Down the Law" (B+)

Must every public interaction between Bette and Tina be so awkward? At least Tina is standing up for herself a bit. I am glad that Tasha's trial is finally over because that was beginning to drag on, but at least it has a somewhat surprising and ultimately happy ending. Hopefully Alice will spend more time with Tasha and stop compromising herself on television so that people will like her. It is good to see Shane's straight girl finally starting to come around to the idea of them getting together. Adele is becoming sketchier by the second - I can imagine her kidnapping Jenny and pretending to be her in the next few weeks. Though I wonder what the reaction would be. Who is the greater evil, the mysterious Adele or the detestable Jenny?

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