Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What I'm Watching: Monk

Monk: Season 6, Episode 15 “Mr. Monk Is on the Run” (B+)

This episode, part one of a two-part season ender, balances its drama and comedy quite effectively which providing an additional notion of suspense and intrigue which is often lacking in this show (not that it is always necessary, of course). My favorite part of this episode has to be “can you make it an even million?” from Monk’s lawyer when his bail is set at $900,000. The shake that Natalie makes uses the drill looks pretty gross, and evn more hilarious then that Randy heartily sneaks a few gulps. Scott Glenn and C.S. Lee (Masuka on “Dexter”) guest star as the rather serious lawmen who bring Monk in, and Glenn’s character seems to have some vendetta against Monk with the whole framing him thing. That ending to me seems very obviously staged – Leland planning to shoot Monk with fake bullets so that he can go on the run – but it was still a good ending and I am excited for next week’s finale.

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