Monday, February 4, 2008

What I'm Watching: Prison Break

Prison Break: Season 3, Episode 11 "Under & Out" (F)

Having a cell phone in jail totally counts as cheating. Everyone thinks Sona is so bad, but honestly they have a whole lot of amenities there which other prisons (Fox River included) lack. The idea of having each of the escapees talk one-on-one and plot together is a fine concept, but it is sort of too little, too late. They have been in prison for weeks now and now after ten episodes they finally decide to take sides? And the soccer kid just gets a free pass and special invitation at the last minute? This is a show that really could have benefited from 13-episode seasons. They have been dragging this all out to such a painful extent and it is just too much. After all this, they still cannot break out this episode, it has to be put off until next week? Next week better be damn good. Tonight's stupid quote: "Fisherman grew himself a set of oysters". Spoken by? Susan B. Anthony, of course.

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