Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Second Run TV: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 1, Episode 10 "Long Weekend" (B+)

The amount of infidelity even just per episode on this show is staggering. The show does manage to incorporate it all very well and always make it generic to the episode, be it Roger's heart attack while cheating with a younger model or Don's turning to Rachel for comfort after seeing Roger in that state. John Slattery may very well rack up an Emmy nomination for this episode, and it is nice to see him back in form after a poor turn on "Desperate Housewives" (I liked him best in "Jack & Bobby" a few years back, but I think this may now be his best role). Lots of other great components in this episode - "I know it's none of my business, but you could do better". This show is really shaping up to be quite a fine hour of television. Three more episodes of season one left to repeat, and luckily enough for me, season two should begin just a few weeks later.

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