Monday, March 3, 2008

What I'm Watching: The L Word

The L Word: Season 5, Episode 9 “Liquid Heat” (B)

This is the show’s token “blackout episode” that many shows have once throughout their lifetimes. It does still progress the story, which is good. The negotiation between SheBar and the Planet feels very much like a Western showdown, and Bette’s bizarrely formal interjection feels a bit out of place. Why was Bette wearing multiple layers while it was impossibly hot out? It was so obvious that she and Tina would get trapped in the elevator from the moment they walked into it. Their talk is good, but these two really need to work their stuff out and get on with their lives. Alice has lost all sense of being a strong human being and has become a complete pushover in the same way that Bette did when Tina starting liking men. Her character needs some serious rescuing, stat. Do you think people would believe that Dana never actually died and she could just come back on the show? I wonder how she and Tasha would get along. Speaking of dead people, I guess Papi is also gone for good since she has not once been mentioned since the finale last season. Jenny is too blatantly hypocritical when yelling at her two fornicating costars – would no one call her out on sleeping with her star? Adele kissing Nikki in the dark is creepy – what could her motivation and endgame possibly be now? That storyline really needs to be tied up quickly and neatly. Does she want to be Jenny or does she just have some bizarre desire to help her? The music here is especially appropriate, with the lyrics “everything is perfect now”. There is a LOT of sex in this episode, but everyone really is finally happy, save for all the supporting, recurring characters like Jodi who will soon get hurt.

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